Journaling is available for everyone—even for busy moms. Amid the challenges of being a mother, journaling can give you a safe space to reflect, express your emotions, and appreciate your life. In this blog post, we will explore how journaling for moms can improve your overall quality of life and ... Read the Post...
Ultimate Guide on Journaling for Personal Development
Based on my journey and how I got into journaling, I can vouch that this hobby contributed greatly to my self-development journey. Journaling helps a lot by improving how I deal with each situation and my emotions, how I stay committed to my core values and dreams, self-reflection, and a lot ... Read the Post...
10 Best Journaling Prompts for Anxiety
Anxiety is a common yet easily misunderstood emotion affecting a lot of people. It can manifest as a persistent worry, nervousness, or fear of everyday situations. Anxiety can feel overwhelming and interfere with our daily life. Understanding and learning practical ways to manage anxiety ... Read the Post...
Journaling for Grief: How to Use Journaling to Process Grief
Grief is a person’s natural response to a feeling of Loss. Grieving is not a pleasant feeling, and a lot of people can have a hard time dealing with it. However, grief is a natural process that everyone must go through to recover fully. Journaling for grief can be an effective way to channel our ... Read the Post...
20 Journaling Examples
Sometimes, we need extra help to get inspiration, which is the same as journaling or writing. These journaling examples will inspire you to start journaling today. You can pick one or two from these journaling ideas that resonate with you and start journaling. Why these Journaling Examples may ... Read the Post...
7 Journal Prompts for Healing
I stopped blogging for a while because of what happened to me. I had an open-heart surgery last October 2023 to remove a mass inside my heart. I can say that healing and recovering from that is a painful experience. Because of those experiences, I’m inspired to write this blog post of 7 journal ... Read the Post...
How to Have a Positive Money Mindset
A happy disposition in life is dependent on how a person view thing. The word “mindset” does not only relate to the topics of self-improvement but also to our financial life. Developing a positive money mindset is crucial for approaching difficulties in money with self-assurance and hope. A positive ... Read the Post...